Goodies refuse visitors

Goodies. Photo:

Convicted Chief Executive Officer of Goodies Music Production and former Executive Producer for popular hip life group VIP, Isaac Aidoo has sent a strong signal to all his friends, family and loved ones that he does not need anybody to visit him in his present state at the Nsawam medium prisons (at least not for now) – apart from his wife Pat.

Goodies made a silent statement last Saturday, May 16, when he refused to see Peace FM’s Entertainment Review crew when they paid him a visit to see how he was coping.

Prior to the visit, the crew spoke to the wife of Goodies, who assured them that they can visit him. She said because her husband has been convicted he is entitled to only one visit a week, which allows only a 10-minute chat, but on any visit apart from that, the visitor will only be allowed to see the prisoner for a few minutes without talking to him or her. 

Mrs. Patricia Aidoo showed the crew the type of food items they should buy for her husband. Upon reaching the Nsawam Prisons at 7.20am Saturday morning, Entertainment Review host, Kwasi Aboagye and producer went through the formalities and waited till a few minutes after 8.00am when the gate was opened for visitors.

After inspection at the gate, Chief Officer Yirenkyi, who was in charge of inspecting the male visitors said Goodies had a visitor (his wife) during the week so they can only be allowed to see him behind the metal bars at the entrance to the prison yard.

The Officer alerted Goodies about the crew’s visit but to the surprise of the prison officers, fellow prisoners and the Peace FM crew, Goodies refused to show up. The officer then sent another prisoner to tell Goodies that he (the officer) is ordering him to come but he refused to obey the order.

Eventually, the Peace FM crew had to return with the bag of rice, cans of tin fish, tin tomatoes and other items because Goodies was not ready to see them much less receive their presents. 

A source close to Madam Pat, wife of Goodies disclosed to Weekly Fylla that life has not been easy for the family after their bread winner was arrested, and there is no support from anywhere. 

In a telephone interview with Patricia to check how she is doing with their children, she said she cannot speak to any media man without the permission of her husband though she didn’t hide the fact that things are not going too well for her and their three kids, one twin (Prince and Princess) four years old and two year old boy.

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